Cancer / Adjunctive Program

Conveniently located to serve the areas of New York, NY

Dr. Kellman believes in a holistic and comprehensive approach to the treatment of cancer, including conventional therapies like chemotherapy, radiation, and immunotherapy. However, those alone are not always the best approach for a successful outcome.

Cancer is a systemic disease, which affects all the systems in the body, therefore a comprehensive and integrative approach is often the most beneficial.

Dr. Kellman’s strategy is two-pronged:

  • Choke the Cancer! Cancer has historically been seen as a disease of dysfunctional proliferation; however recent research has now shown that metabolic disorders also contribute to cancer growth. Otto Warburg showed that the metabolism and energy consumption of tumor cells varied greatly compared to non-cancerous cells. By targeting the metabolism of these cancer cells, we are effectively able to starve them, thereby killing them and reducing metastasis.
  • Enhance the Efficacy of Concurrent Treatments: Conventional therapies are highly valuable and a central component of successful cancer treatment. However, there are medicinal herbs, therapeutic botanicals and other compounds which can help to enhance the efficacy of these treatments, in a safe and highly effectual way.

Dr. Kellman’s expertise in using these herbs in the right combination and in the right way is why his adjunctive program is so successful. Although there are many supplements, botanicals, herbs, and other natural compounds which are widely available and generally safe in healthy individuals, some of these can be contraindicated when you are dealing with cancer patients and their associated treatments. It is critical to work with someone, like Dr. Kellman, who has the experience and research-based knowledge on what to use and when. Further, Dr. Kellman regularly works with his patients’ oncologists and other members of the health care team to ensure they are working cohesively toward their one goal, which is remission.


Dr. Kellman uses a wide range of complementary treatment options, which have been shown to have anti-cancer and immune-boosting effects, based on their biological mechanisms, as well as scientific studies. 

Sample treatment options may include the following:

  • IV Therapeutic Options:
    • High Dose Vitamin C, which has an anti-cancer effect, while at the same time naturally boosts the immune system.
    • IV phenylbutyrate, which has anti-cancer effects similar to chemotherapy drugs, but since it is a natural compound, it has none of the negative and all of the positive effects.
    • IV Curcumin, which has been shown to not only improve the efficacy of conventional cancer treatments, like chemotherapy, but also aid in the reduction of side effects.
  • Ozone Therapy: IV therapies may be combined with Ozone, which has been shown to boost oxygen levels in the blood, which naturally enhances the body’s innate ability to fight off cancer cells.
  • Repurposed drugs: These are medications which may have been developed to treat one condition, however, may also be effective at treating others, like cancer. These drugs have already been rigorously tested and known to be safe. Further, there is research to back their therapeutic efficacy. Examples of these drugs include metformin, rapamycin, chloroquine, lovastatin, doxycycline, and many others.
  • Therapeutic herbs, botanical, phytonutrients, and other natural compounds which directly target and halt the metabolism of cancer cells.

In addition to targeting the cancer itself, we also focus on reducing or eliminating some of the common symptoms that many patients experience while undergoing chemotherapy, radiation, and immunotherapy, such as:

  • “Chemo brain”
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Neuropathy (tingling and numbness)

Many cancer treatments, while lifesaving, can wreak havoc on the body and in many cases damage healthy tissue, as collateral damage to kill off cancer cells. This is particularly true regarding damage done to the gut microbiome.

The trillions of bacteria that reside in our gut play a vital role in maintaining a healthy gut wall, a strong immune system, as well as proper brain function. Dysbiosis of the gut can lead to inflammation, as well as damage to the gut lining. Undigested particles can leak out of the gut and into the bloodstream causing an immune response, also known as “leaky gut.” This can cause brain fog, neuropathy, as well as many other symptoms. By ensuring a balanced microbiome and a strong, healthy gut wall, we can heal these symptoms and boost the immune system.

Many patients that have gone through our program and have seen a significant benefit.

Even while going through chemotherapy, radiation, and other therapies concurrently, their energy remained good, side effects were reduced, and many experienced significantly fewer residual symptoms and complications post treatment. 

Dr. Kellman also offers a Post Chemotherapy Program (include link to that page) which helps patients to recover and heal once their cancer treatment has ended.