New treatment for alzheimer’s and dementia: the beginning of the end

You, or a loved one, are forgetting too many names or places. Events that occurred recently are harder to recall than those from years ago. Something has changed in your mind, plus you’re tired and lacking energy. Maybe a family member has become forgetful or confused. Perhaps they’ve already been given a diagnosis of dementia or early-stage Alzheimer’s. Unfortunately, we’ve been led to believe that there is no cure for Alzheimer’s or dementia. You might have even heard that there is no test for these diseases. We’ve also been led to believe that disease is caused by “one thing” and we’ve been looking for that magic bullet to cure that single problem. But that way of thinking is out of date. New research shows that there are multiple interconnected factors that lead to both a healthy or unhealthy state. And it’s the same with Alzheimer’s and dementia. There are multiple causes that can lead to neurological dysfunction, which can lead to poor memory and can eventually lead to dementia and even Alzheimer’s.

Scientists have identified Non-Thyroidal Illness Syndrome (NTIS) as one of the most significant causes of cognitive dysfunction. The thyroid gland produces hormones critical to every cell in the body, especially the brain. In NTIS the problem is not the thyroid itself but in the signals coming from the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland in the brain. In NTIS those signals are diminished; it’s as if the body is going into low gear. The body does this when in states of protracted health issues such as depression, anxiety, gastrointestinal and microbiome dysfunction or chronic inflammation. In NTIS there is a deficiency of thyroid hormone in the brain which, over time, can lead to neurological changes including dementia. Not only have scientists identified NTIS as a contributing factor to neurological decline, but there is also have a test for it. Scientists have found that the TRH Stimulation test is able to detect NTIS even when routine thyroid tests will come back with a “normal” result. The TRH Stimulation used to be administered routinely; but for various reasons, unfortunately only a few practices now offer it, and most of them are doing it for research purposes. The Kellman Center offers this critical test in our Manhattan practice because we understand its life-changing potential.

A number of studies have concluded that based on this test many people with dementia and cognitive decline suffer from NTIS. And by treating with thyroid hormone, patients with dementia can improve.

I have diagnosed and treated many patients with cognitive decline, dementia, Alzheimer’s, and I have seen the results firsthand. While everyone’s waiting for that magic bullet, a very different approach is already beginning to take shape to help so many people. Our results are showing that a whole different way of approaching cognitive decline is necessary in order to cure this ravaging epidemic.

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